Are skill-based slot machines exactly what you think they are?

The best aspect of the casino industry is its ability to seamlessly incorporate the latest technology to increase the entertainment coefficient for gamblers. Whichever casino games you analyze, they have had a technical or technological upgrade, especially in recent times. With dot com boom and with almost all well-known casinos as well as new players investing in the concept of online casinos, betting and gambling games have become more engaging and interesting. This is especially obvious with the progression of slot games.
The History of Slot Machines
Initially made of just mechanical parts and some pictures, slot machines have come a long way today. Compared to machines that worked with a system of mechanical drums and levers, today slot machine runs on computers, random number generators and come with vibrant and engaging components. As any gambling enthusiastic would tell you the original slots was a machine called Liberty Bell designed by Charles Fey. As stated above it was made of a very simple design involving mechanical drums and a lever. Then as slots became one of the most popular betting games, so much so that even stores with no relation to casinos began providing slots to their customers, casino owners were provided with a better version.
The next stage in slot machines was where players had a partial say on how their luck turns. These newer slot machines have stopped so that people can select and adjust or hold some of the drums. And then once electricity and electronic machines, especially the computer became mainstream slots go an electronic makeover. Gone were the mechanical components and the new age machines run on the Random Number Generator. Along with this, slot machines got a complete technical makeover which included clear, HD display, colour monitors, engaging graphics, background scores and a better overall experience.
The Advent of Skill-Based Slot Machines
Though slots were the most popular casino games all through history and though the casino industry is experiencing an overall boom currently, thanks to the concept of online casino games, the gambling market started to observe a strange development. Though there was an increase in the overall use of online casinos and casino games the popularity of slot games was much lower than what was expected. Though luck-based games like online Bingo saw a huge footfall, slots lagged behind even though they were more engaging and entertaining than they previously were.
Analyzing the trends, experts came to the opinion that the current generation isn’t showing the expected interest in slot games as this is a game purely chance-based. As compared to skilled games like card games, people feel there is a much greater risk of losing as the outcome is totally out of the player’s hand at every stage of playing the game. Hence, to make it more engaging and appealing to the current generation casino companies and game developers came out with the concept of skill-based slot games.
What Is Special About Skill-Based Slot Games?
The most interesting way to describe skilled based slot games is that they are exactly the same as conventional slots with a twist at the end. Let us look at how conventional slots work. Basically, you pull the lever, cross your fingers and hope for the best. An interesting addition to slots that is very common these days is the bonus round; but generally speaking, the bonus round is also based on pure luck.
Now coming to the twist, a skill-based slot is also the same. You pull the lever, and you find out whether or not you are lucky. But, with this new type of machines, the bonus round is skill-based. Depending on the theme of the slots you either get to have a go at aliens, outlaws, enemy planes, terrorists, etc. Depending on how well you hit the target or how well you do the assigned task you will be awarded bonus points that will count towards the whole game. So, this is what is different with skill-based slots.
The Whole Misunderstanding
Thus, looking at the whole construct and the concept of skill-based slot games it is obvious that it is not that much different to conventional slots and there isn’t much skill involved here. Though people think the new style requires some sort of “skill” to play, the only difference between the conventional and new model is the bonus round, which is more engaging in the new avatar of the game. Introducing this new aspect almost brings the old arcade games excitement and companies are now hopeful that younger people try this traditionally popular game along with the other popular casino games.
Blog Summary
Blog Name: Are skill-based slot machines exactly what you think they are?
Posted On: 27/09/2019
Author: Robert Bowron